Saturday, September 11

Zen Moment

Nobody ever told me about this place. I never read about it in a book, I never saw it on TV, I never came across it in any of my college architecture courses. My discovery of this temple was as genuine as it gets. I was trying to avoid traffic one day on my way home from work (my aversion to traffic tends to lead to very entertaining moments). As I was driving south on Sheridan Rd. I looked to my right and saw this absolutely breath taking building. I couldn't believe and sheer beauty of what I was seeing. Furthermore, I couldn't believe it was located north of Chicago on a quiet road. I pulled over and spent the next hour or so walking around the Temple, admiring everything about it. Since that Spring day I have been back many, many times. This is a photo taken while showing friends around town. Thanks Mike and Angela for the great photo. 

Photo by Michael Patrick Perry-Feel free to use images with links and credit – no commercial use without permission

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