Many photographers, pro and amateur, will rave on and on about utilizing the warm glow of the golden hour. The Golden Hour (or hours) is the first and last hour of sunlight during each day. You can't really argue with the powerful glow and the wonderful color that it brings. That shouldn't limit your photography though. In a town like Chicago you aren't going to get half of the opportunities as other cities to utilize these hours. It's usually because of cloud cover, blustery snow or staying home to watch the Bears playoff game. When the weather turns gray and dreary grab your camera and hit the bricks. You'd be surprised at just how many great images you can find . . . especially when you convert them to black and white. This photograph was originally in color and it was originally unappealing. Before giving up on it completely I turned it into black and white just to see what would happen. Bam! I like the result. The high contrast gives it a little bit of character, the light that is reflecting off of the building adds even more and a little vignetting finishes it off. Give it a shot.
Photo by Michael Patrick Perry-Feel free to use images with links and credit – no commercial use without permission
Really cool infinity photo! Great tips, too!